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Managing Happiness: Keep Your Employees Motivated During the Daily Grind

We’ve begun another long business year. Many employees will be stuck in the work week cycle until the forth of July rolls around, so it’s no wonder faces tend to get longer during the early months. It’s tempting for bosses looking to spark productivity to tighten the bolts, pressuring employees with hard and fast goals, but there’s a better way to promote an effective work culture.

Employers that encourage collaboration, reward success and appreciate hard work demonstrate leadership that empowers employees. Instead of buckling down, try these strategies to create in environment that leads to natural productivity.

Promote Interaction

As a boss or manager, you get to go to work every day knowing that you have a voice in your business. Employees working in the trenches don’t always have that luxury — and a drop in productivity follows. Businesses thrive when employees have an active voice in their directions. Not only are employees happier, managers also get valuable input from workers on the front lines.

Promote projects that involve collaboration. Give employees a break from the monotony of their daily activities and hold meetings to brainstorm for the future. Not only will you gain helpful feedback for ways to grow your business, employees will feel rejuvenated and ready to help your business grow.

“Working for these high-profile leaders over my career, I found they listened really well and built good teams to debate issues.” Ernst & Young chief executive Mark Weinberger told the Washington Post.

Provide Incentives

Talk of bonuses will buzz any employee’s ear. If you are serious about boosting performance, put some money on it. Performance-based bonuses reward employees who stand out. Cash isn’t the only way to incentivize good work either. Tap into in to the community spirit and set a goal for the entire business. If you have a party scheduled for the last two hours of the day, for example, set a production goal for the day, promising to start the party early once your team hits the mark.

Lead By Example

In some businesses, the dip in work ethic subtly takes over the office as employees see each other letting up. Instead of harping on each employee, consider demonstratively resisting the wave of laziness in your own daily activities and follow the hard-working example of business leaders like Weinberger. As employees see you pushing hard through the weekly grind, they’ll feel the subtle competitive undercurrent that exists under most successful businesses. It may not solve all of your company’s production issues, but leading by example is a great place to start.

Say Thanks

Employees that don’t feel appreciated are less productive. According to a Personneltoday.com survey of 350 HR professionals, the greatest impact on productivity was how much employees felt appreciated. If your employees don’t realize that you appreciate their hard work, use today to tell them and don’t stop once productivity picks up. Whether it’s a pat on the back, a quick email or recognition during a meeting, appreciating your employees will boost your business culture and bottom line.