Steve Jobs once said, “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be trapped by dogma – which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don’t let the noise of other’s opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart Read More >
The Lao Tzu Approach to Leadership
If you were to perform a Google search using the phrase “best leadership quotes,” the following one would make or top nearly every list in the results: “A leader is best when people barely know he exists, when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say: we did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu Read More >
3 Tips for C-Suite Success
How effective do you believe yourself to be as a member of the C-suite? According to a recent McKinsey survey, the number of executives believing themselves to be ineffective might surprise you. That’s because nearly half of top executives say they weren’t effective at earning support for their new ideas when they moved into C-suite roles, Read More >
3 Ways to be an Effective and Approachable Leader
People gravitate toward other people who make them feel good about themselves, people who are approachable, and who share similar values and ethics. We’ve also made mistakes and had to admit failure, so we commiserate with others in the same predicament. It may seem counter-intuitive, but a boss who is imperfect and admits mistakes is Read More >
How to Keep Great Employees from Quitting – 5 Tips
Recruiting top talent represents one of the biggest challenges corporations face, as well as the biggest up-front investment. Keeping the great talent you have is therefore the ultimate goal. Yet, a recent study reveals that one-third of nearly 10,000 respondents in 8 countries are struggling with whether or not to leave their jobs. So, the Read More >
The Top 6 Priorities for Managing Virtual Teams
Nearly 80 percent of employees surveyed for a recent Harvard Business Review article reported working remotely as part of a virtual team, a number that has skyrocketed in the face of recent technological advances. The modern geographically dispersed team (GDT) model allows companies to find the best talent, offer the job flexibility they’re seeking, and Read More >
10 Commandments of the CEO Role
Wondering if you’ve got what it takes to obtain or maintain the position of CEO? Any Google search for ‘traits of a great CEO’ will turn up hundreds, if not thousands, of results. Yet, it’s easy to see that the most reliable sources among them tend to have 6-10 themes, if you will, to the Read More >
Self Awareness and Lack Thereof in the C-Suite, Study Reveals
It may seem counter-intuitive to think that C-suite executives lack self-awareness, but that’s exactly what a recent Korn Ferry survey indicates is the most-coached leadership challenge in positions at the top. What’s important to understand is that self-awareness is a hair’s breadth away from Maslow’s self-actualization; it’s a top-tier skill that is light years more complicated than Read More >
Charisma is no Panacea
Most authorities on leadership effectiveness recommend the use of a variety of leadership styles rather than a one size fits all approach. However, do the various leadership styles that executives employ really have an impact on the bottom line? That’s a question that many would say is a no-brainer; however, in fact, the research indicates Read More >
Leading Effectively in Times of Economic and Social Change
Now that the 2016 Presidential election is over, many companies are sitting on the edge of their seats. With Hilary elected, there are naturally going to be changes in the economy (for better or worse, that is yet to be seen), changes in regulations, and changes in the way the U.S. does business – at Read More >