Conflict is a natural occurrence within any dynamic organization. In fact, a dearth of conflict should be viewed as a warning sign, potentially indicating indifference, evasion of conflict, or passive aggression – all of which can be detrimental to an organization. Those who are effective, both on an individual level and within organizational contexts, are Read More >
Using Emotional Intelligence Effectively
You will undoubtedly have used the term emotional intelligence. We usually use it in relation to what we expect from our employees. But what does it mean for you as a CEO or senior executive? Having emotional intelligence doesn’t mean being an emotional person. Rather it involves identifying and harnessing your own emotions, as well as Read More >
Creating Urgency – Not Emergency
Business urgency is a proactive state that enhances employee and company performance. We examine five ways to improve urgency in your company, whilst avoiding introducing a perception of ‘emergency’.
Improving Your Team’s Performance: 10 Tips That Work…even in a pandemic
10 tips that will focus your efforts on advancing the performance of your team, even in the most difficult times.
Creativity Killers
Executives can be creativity killers. Executives have a responsibility to foster an environment that enables their team to be creative. This discussion looks at behaviors, both of executives and team members, which can kill creativity.
Managing Today’s Knowledge Worker
As the work force moves from lifetime employment to upwardly mobile serial career, the challenges to retain your key knowledge workers grow. Knowledge workers bring real smarts, not brawn, to the workplace, and it’s clear that the 21st century American company is primarily a knowledge company. So, what’s the secret sauce needed to both retain and manage today’s knowledge Read More >
Criteria for Selecting Executives
This year has seen significant CEO changes, headlined in the popular media by Jeff Bezos’ stepping down at Amazon. The rationale behind an organization’s choice of a particular C-level executive, and the decisions of the individual themselves, can veer away from best practice. It seems appropriate, therefore, to review the current best thinking on the Read More >
Leadership & Management: Why You Need to Deliver Both
Successful CEOs provide a balanced merging of management and leadership for their teams. This briefing looks at how you can model this balance and help your team through both managing and leading.
Business Must Evolve & Change: Leading Purposeful Change
Business change is not easy, and the workforce is often reluctant to diverge from their norms. This briefing discussed how to lead purposeful change through five key actions.
5 Steps to Creative Thinking
Recently, with the downturn in the economy precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve observed a corresponding downturn in business peoples’ ability to think creatively. Ironically, right at the time when more creativity is most needed. Creative thinking is the economy’s fuel – discovery, invention, and entrepreneurism. Geniuses produce because they think fluently and flexibly.Michael Michalko Read More >